
January 24, 2012

fingerprints on the machine

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. (Psalm 19:1)
What is the purpose of this blog? Can you really learn more about God from computer code? I believe that you can. All of his creation speaks to his glory - his handiwork is evident everywhere. I believe that the systematic order of computing is a perfect place to learn about God.

As programmers we are responsible for modeling real-world problems in code. We must consider the smallest detail and find ways in which it can be expressed. This gives us a unique perspective on life in that we are conditioned and trained to search things out and understand them completely. I believe that this kind of inspection opens us up to understanding God.

Sometimes a software concept can help us understand a theological concept (like how sin is similar to inheritance) and other times our daily routines can inspire us to be more obedient to God (like praying as often as we save our work). Since I believe, as David did, that God's handiwork is evident everywhere, I know that there are great truths to be discovered and powerful realizations to be made in searching for God in the patterns and practices of our craft. Our creator's fingerprints are on the machine.