
January 23, 2012

an inheritance of sin

Our base class is flawed. Each and every method is riddled with bugs and logic errors. Not crashing errors, just enough errors to ensure that things don't run properly. We all inherit from this base class in one way or another. Whether distantly or closely, we are all children of this base class. The class is named Adam.

When Adam chose to sin, he corrupted his implementation and all the natural things within him became corrupted as well. His words became prideful. His arms became violent. His eyes became lustful. His heart became fearful.  All his actions became corrupted by sin.

All these things are methods in the Adam class, and we inherit these methods. From the moment we are born, our words, arms, eyes, and hearts are just as sinful as Adam's. This is the natural order, the curse of sin that we are all born into.
class Andrew : Adam { }
All my methods are inherited from Adam and I am born without any overriden methods. This is the state of being completely sinful. Paul teaches that I am responsible for working out my own salvation (Philippians 2:12b). This means that, with the help of Jesus Christ, I must re-implement any sinful methods and provide holy implementations.
class Andrew : Adam 
    public override string Speak() { /* with humility */ }
    /* other methods to follow */ 
I cannot be content with any of my existing implementations - while they may work to a certain extent, they always be wrong in the end. Every method must be rewritten in accordance with God's word. This what it means to work out our own salvation - and it can only be done with God's help.